Image via CrunchBase
Establish a schedule to keep your portfolio updated.
Notice this piece of advice isn’t just to “make an online portfolio” or “update your portfolio”. The secret to maintaining an impressive online portfolio is to make a plan on how and when you’ll update your content.
Whether you decide to update every week, every month, or every time your finish a project, you absolutely need to get into a routine. That way, when clients come to view your work, they always see the latest and the greatest content.
This is an important thing because you always want to be displaying your current projects. Maintain a level of professionalism in ALL your social networks. There’s no problem with having a private face book page where you can rant about your in-laws or coworkers. But NEVER use foul language, complain about clients or projects, or act annoying or irritable via your online networks. Remember, your potential clients could be (and probably are) reading what you tweet. For all they know, you are what you tweet.
Keep it professional and clean.Make your profiles and web site very personalHave you ever wondered why social media has grown to such great heights of popularity? It’s because people like connecting with real people.
Make your twitter profile, face book page, website and more very personal by adding well-written, friendly bios, and including an image of your face. The more people feel like they will be connecting with a real person when they contact you for design work, the more likely they are to call.
Remember, your website is a direct reflection of who you are as a business person. Include positive reviews. A great way to give a good first impression online is to offer reviews from previous clients. You can work this out however you’d like. Include a form on your website, ask past clients to make comments, or mark unexpected positive tweets about your work as favorites and then link to your favorite page from your web site.
Notice this piece of advice isn’t just to “make an online portfolio” or “update your portfolio”. The secret to maintaining an impressive online portfolio is to make a plan on how and when you’ll update your content.
Whether you decide to update every week, every month, or every time your finish a project, you absolutely need to get into a routine. That way, when clients come to view your work, they always see the latest and the greatest content.
This is an important thing because you always want to be displaying your current projects. Maintain a level of professionalism in ALL your social networks. There’s no problem with having a private face book page where you can rant about your in-laws or coworkers. But NEVER use foul language, complain about clients or projects, or act annoying or irritable via your online networks. Remember, your potential clients could be (and probably are) reading what you tweet. For all they know, you are what you tweet.
Keep it professional and clean.Make your profiles and web site very personalHave you ever wondered why social media has grown to such great heights of popularity? It’s because people like connecting with real people.
Make your twitter profile, face book page, website and more very personal by adding well-written, friendly bios, and including an image of your face. The more people feel like they will be connecting with a real person when they contact you for design work, the more likely they are to call.
Remember, your website is a direct reflection of who you are as a business person. Include positive reviews. A great way to give a good first impression online is to offer reviews from previous clients. You can work this out however you’d like. Include a form on your website, ask past clients to make comments, or mark unexpected positive tweets about your work as favorites and then link to your favorite page from your web site.
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