Tuesday, April 26, 2011

How to engage prospective online clients

Image representing Twitter as depicted in Crun...Image via CrunchBase
Establish a schedule to keep your portfolio updated.

Notice this piece of advice isn’t just to “make an online portfolio” or “update your portfolio”. The secret to maintaining an impressive online portfolio is to make a plan on how and when you’ll update your content.  

Whether you decide to update every week, every month, or every time your finish a project, you absolutely need to get into a routine.  That way, when clients come to view your work, they always see the latest and the greatest content.

 This is an important thing because you always want to be displaying your current projects.  Maintain a level of professionalism in ALL your social networks.  There’s no problem with having a private face book page where you can rant about your in-laws or coworkers.  But NEVER use foul language, complain about clients or projects, or act annoying or irritable via your online networks.  Remember, your potential clients could be (and probably are) reading what you tweet.  For all they know, you are what you tweet. 

  Keep it professional and clean.Make your profiles and web site very personalHave you ever wondered why social media has grown to such great heights of popularity? It’s because people like connecting with real people.  

Make your twitter profile, face book page, website and more very personal by adding well-written, friendly bios, and including an image of your face.   The more people feel like they will be connecting with a real person when they contact you for design work, the more likely they are to call.

  Remember, your website is a direct reflection of who you are as a business person.  Include positive reviews.  A great way to give a good first impression online is to offer reviews from previous clients. You can work this out however you’d like.  Include a form on your website, ask past clients to make comments, or mark unexpected positive tweets about your work as favorites and then link to your favorite page from your web site.
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Friday, April 8, 2011

Avoiding SEO/Social Media Errors and Pitfalls

A segment of a social networkImage via WikipediaIn the internet age,  social media has become the powerhouse of brand recognition and marketing.  However,  if you want to avoid some of the common pitfalls and errors of social media,  having a team of SEO professionals behind you is key.

At Metro Media Consulting Group,  we know how to help you avoid these errors, and steer you into the waters of smooth social media sailing.

Here are some of the errors which may be encountered, and the ways to avoid and resolve them,  as set forth in this excellent and astute piece by Rick Itzkowich,  of Rick Itzkowich Consulting:

Mistake # 1: Not having the right mindset.
If you go into SN with a sales mentality, you will fail. Sales is about closing transactions. Networking is about building relationships. There's a time where selling is appropriate in a relationship. However nothing damages a relationship faster than selling without first building a relationship.
The Referral Institute teaches the VCP model. VCP stands for Visibility - Credibility - Profitability. In simple terms, this means that people need to first know who you are. Then they need to trust you. It's only when they both know and trust you that they comfortably buy from you. Trying to move from visibility to profitability without earning credibility doesn't work.
To correct Mistake #1 shift your focus from selling to building relationships.

Mistake #2: Not having a strategy.
Going into the SN arena without having a strategy is like going to the grocery store without a list, and to make matters even worse, going when you're starving. Odds are you will forget to buy some of the items you truly needed, and you will bring home some junk instead.
Using the VCP model, you must have a strategy to increase both your visibility and your credibility. When you accomplish this, generating business will be much easier. So what would be an example of a strategy to build your visibility? At Biznik.com you can easily do this by writing articles, hosting events, posting comments, answering questions, welcoming people and more. It means getting involved in the SN community. The more involved you are, the more visibility you gain.
One easy way to build credibility is to have people who already trust you give you a testimonial or third party endorsement. Look for people you know who are already members on the site and ask them for a testimonial. Better yet, offer a testimonial for them first. If you don't have anyone you know on the network, invite them to join. Once you start building your relationships with others on the network, they too will be able to give you testimonials.
To correct Mistake #2 come up with a strategic plan to gain visibility and credibility.

Mistake #3: Not having patience.
We live in a fast-paced society--one with very little patience. We eat fast food. We drive fast cars. We multitask. We all have been conditioned to expect immediate results. So we usually give our social networking a few weeks or months. If we don't get any sales, we quit.
Steven Covey tells a story about what it takes for the bamboo plant to grow. He states that there are certain types of bamboo plants that take up to four years before they come out of the ground. Prior to them coming out of the ground, the plants are growing by spreading their roots underground. If you didn't know this, it looks like nothing is happening. On the other hand, once they break ground, they surge upward from 12-36 inches in a 24-hour period!
Networking is very similar to this. I'm not saying that it will take four years before you see results, but it certainly won't be immediate. So building your visibility and your credibility takes time. It is like the bamboo plant spreading its roots. Eventually you will start generating business. You just have to be patient.
To correct Mistake #3 give yourself twice as much time as you think you will need before you evaluate whether your efforts are paying off.

Mistake #4: Not having any free products to give away.
My wife is from Sweden. In her country it's very common for people who visit other people's homes to always bring a gift. It's not about bringing a gift on a special occasion. It's about the principle of gratitude. If someone is inviting you to their home, you express your gratitude by bringing a gift.
In networking this principle is very powerful as well. Showing someone gratitude and appreciation is a great way to build the relationship. However, nowadays free does not carry the punch that it once did. This is because very seldom is "free" truly free. My dad jokes that "free" is the most expensive word in the dictionary. So offering a free gift is often viewed with suspicion - especially when the gift is connected with the product or service you are selling.
On the other hand, if the intent behind the gift is to truly express appreciation for connecting, it brings you closer to the other person. When it takes on a "pay it forward" approach, the results can be remarkable.
One of the best tactics you can use in your SN strategy is to find or develop a gift you can offer to prospects for free-one that's not directly related to what you sell.  After trying different things myself, I finally created a product that accomplished the above goal. Since I've incorporated this product, I've been generating 8-10 new qualified prospects every week.
To correct Mistake #4 develop a product or service that has value in the eyes of your prospects. Make sure that it's not related to your core offering and give it away for free. If you can't come up with a product of your own,  I'll be glad to share some ideas.

Mistake #5: Focusing on numbers vs. relationships.
Joining many sites and adding lots of friends or people to your network is not a strategy. It may be good for your ego, but it will not result in you doing business. Remember networking is about relationships--not about numbers.
You're better off building a smaller network of people with whom you have a relationship, than a larger group of people you don't know or interact with. Remember in order to gain visibility, you will have to get involved and participate in the community.
To correct mistake #5 limit the number of sites you belong to.  Ideally choose no more than three or four -- depending on the amount of time that you are willing to devote to your overall strategy.  Deeper is better than wider. Try a site, get involved and see how you like it. Most networking sites give you access to a free version so that you can try it out before you commit money and start paying for additional features. New Social Networking sites are being added every week. Don't go chasing for the "latest, greatest" or the one that your friend invited you to. Stick to a few and work them. If one doesn't work, then go ahead and add a new one.
Social Networking can be a very effective tool to build one's business but it can also be a huge drain of energy and resources. It takes a long time to build both Visibility and Credibility online. Being aware of the above-mentioned mistakes will keep you from losing one or both of them. Source http://www.focus.com/briefs/small-business/5-deadly-mistakes-you-cant-afford-make-while-social/

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Learning from experience: Forbes' list of the 20 top, best-ever social media campaigns

Cover of "The Blair Witch Project"Cover of The Blair Witch Project
Last summer,  Forbes magazine ranked the 20 most successful social media campaigns to date.  What is the lesson gleaned from this list?  By using innovative and entertaining methods, which are highly interactive and target the consumer,   and attaching themselves to venues with high rank and big numbers for some mega-branding,  these social media campaigns show us how to pack the same powerful punch:  

Forbes list of the 20 best-ever social media campaigns:
  1. “The Blair Witch Project”
  2. Blendtec: ill It Blend?
  3. Old Spice: “Smell Like a Man, Man.”
  4. Burger King: “Subservient Chicken”
  5. Pepsi Refresh
  6. VW: “Fun Theory”
  7. OfficeMax: “Elf Yourself”
  8. Evian: “Roller Babies
  9. Ikea: “Facebook Showroom”
  10. Hotmail
  11. Whopper Sacrifice
  12. Target: “Bullseye Gives”
  13. Vitaminwater
  14. Smirnoff: “Tea Par-tay”
  15. The Dark Knight: Why So Serious?
  16. Quicksilver: “Dynamic Surfing”
  17. Cadbury: Gorilla
  18. BMW: “1 Series Graffit Contest”
  19. Bing/Farmville
  20. CareerBuilder: Monk-e-Mail

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MMCG can help with all your social media needs: Strategic Social Media for the 21st century

Follow me on Twitter logoImage via Wikipedia

Metro Media Consulting Group can help with all your Social Media Marketing Needs :  "Strategic Social Media for the 21st Century" 

As set forth by Web Hosting Masters,  these are the top 5 strategic methods of social media to give a mega-boost to your business SEO:  

5 Top Social Media Marketing Strategies You Should Be Using

If you have a business, whether it is all online or not, then you need to have a Facebook fan page. This is how you can communicate with your current clients daily and build more business. Plus you can add an icon to your website andblog to help you get more fans on your page.
The Facebook fan page is one of the best ways to keep all your clients in one place and let them know what you are doing. You can get repeat business from announcing special pricing, sales, and new products with your page as well. It is one more reminder for your clientele that you are out there and ready to work for them.
2. A Twitter profile
Have you become a part of the Twitter craze? If not, then you should be building your profile as soon as you finish reading the rest of these tips. You could even stop right now and go get a profile up and ready to go, and then come back to the final three tips here. Twitter is a very powerful website and you need to be using it.
Twitter will allow you to create a profile for your business and as you get followers you can gain branding, exposure, and traffic to your website, Facebook fan page, and blog. This is a great way to keep in touch and let your followers know what you are doing as well.
3. The outsourcing strategy
If you really want to use one of the best social media marketing strategies and gain exposure and backlinks, then you need to consider outsourcing or hiring a service to help you get more backlinks fast. Not all of the social media sites are like Facebook and Twitter. Some are considered social bookmarking sites and they are very powerful.
You can hire a service or a person that will bookmark all of your webpages, blog posts, your Twitter page, and even your Facebook fan page on these social bookmarking sites. This can give you a ton of different backlinks that have a good amount of power. This will help you rank better on search engines and get more traffic.
4. Adding icons to your website and blog
Another one of the top social media marketing strategies is to add the icons for each social media and social bookmarking site to your blog and website. This will allow all of your visitors the opportunity to share your posts and information on all of the different social websites.
Imagine if just 10% of your visitors shared your blog posts or webpages on their Facebook and Twitter account. This could bring you in a ton of traffic. Plus if they share it, then their friends can share it, and their friends, friends can share it, and so on. This can become very powerful if you use it correctly.
5. Combining all the different social media marketing strategies
If you really want to gain backlinks, traffic, exposure, and branding for your company, website, or blog, then you may want to use all of the different social media marketing strategies together in a full social marketing plan. This could help you get a ton of exposure and backlinks, which will make your site more powerful for the long run.

Why are Social Media Marketing Strategies so Powerful?

Many of those that are on the internet are on Facebook, Twitter, Digg, Stumbleupon, FriendFeed, MySpace, and many of the other social sites that are out there. Some people actually get all their news from some of the social bookmarking sites and some people spend hours upon hours every single day on sites like Facebook.
This means that if you are in front of them in any way on these sites they will remember you better and your brand can be built. This will make your business, your website, and your blog more powerful. Social media marketing strategies are incredibly powerful and you need to have a plan to use them.
Another thing to consider is that nearly half the people carrying a cellular phone have a smart phone now. These phones have instant access to the social sites that are most popular and apps for the ones that are not as popular. This means that if you send out a Facebook post to your fans many of them will get it instantly right on their phone.
Could you imagine the business you could get when you announce a huge sale or a new product this way? Many have seen huge returns on launching a product over social sites and have used this to boost profits right from the beginning. This is why social media marketing strategies are so important and powerful.SOURCE

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Thursday, April 7, 2011

Strategic Social Media for the 21st Century

ESOC's Control RoomImage via Wikipedia  From   Social Media Biz ,  a list of some social media policies :

"Social media policies

Here are a number of publicly available social media policies and guidelines for corporations, nonprofits and media companies. In some cases, we've reproduced them on this site because of how often they get moved around or dislodged.*
If you're in the market for a Social Media Policy, contact Socialmedia.biz -- we're created several policies for well-known brands.
If you're devising a social media policy on your own, a good place to start is Best practices for developing a social media policy. Developed by the Society for New Communications Research, it addresses the major issues related to employee blogging but its principles can be applied to more recent forms of social networking as well. All such policies need careful tailoring, depending on what sector your company is in. For a boilerplate but useful social media disclosure policy, see disclosurepolicy.org.
Know of other policies we should add? Drop us a line or post a pointer in the comments below. Thanks!"  SOURCE :  SOCIAL MEDIA BIZ

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Social Media Events 2011